jueves, 7 de mayo de 2015


Crowdfunding is the practice of funding a project or venture by raising monetary contributions from a large number of people, typically via the internet. One early-stage equity expert described it as “the practice of raising funds from two or more people over the internet towards a common Service, Project, Product, Investment, Cause, and Experience, or SPPICE.

The crowdfunding model is fueled by three types of actors: the project initiator who proposes the idea and/or project to be funded; individuals or groups who support the idea; and a moderating organization (the "platform") that brings the parties together to launch the idea.

In 2013, the crowdfunding industry grew to be over $5.1 billion worldwide.

Based on donations: Those who make monetary contributions do not expect benefits of the transaction.
Based Financing Those who make monetary contributions expect a reward for their contribution.
It based actions: It invests in mass in a company and shares or units of the same is received. 
It based loans: mass is financed (loans or credits) to a company in exchange for a type of interés14. 
It based royalties: It invests in a project or company and a symbolic part of the benefits expected.

Image extracted from Google Images

Advantages and disadvantages

Proponents of massive funding methods argue that enables creative ideas that do not fit the patterns required by conventional financial get cash through the support and solidarity of large groups of people. Apart from potential customers obtain financing obtained by word of mouth.

One drawback is the requirement for disclosure of project when it is still at a very early stage and this exposes the promoter for his idea to be copied by other companies.

Three projects have collected more money in Spain

1. Heroquest 25 aniversario (Lánzanos): 680.037 euros. Inspired by the legendary RPG was launched into the adventure of taking a tribute edition by adding new items and pieces from the original game. 

2. El Cosmonauta: 400.000 euros. The film The Cosmonaut was the first Spanish project financed by crowdfunding

3. L'Endemá (Verkami): 348.830 euros. A documentary project on the independent spirit in Catalunya. A success for the Catalan filmmaker

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