viernes, 15 de mayo de 2015

Business that have succeeded

Sometimes take Internet business is as easy as having the courage to take an idea forward.

-3 Businesses that have succeeded
1- Page Million Dollars (Million Dollar Homepage)
Page Million Dollars was born in August 2005 in Wiltshire (England), where Alex Tew, a student of 21 who wanted to finance his college career, decided to create a website consisting of one million pixels, and sell each pixel at a price of one dollar. The business idea was simple Internet, advertisers could buy Quis few pixels to advertise and show them ads or logos of their company would hipervinculats in its pages webs. The curiosity of the people who made the Million Dollar Page would an Internet phenomenon and one of the most visited websites in the world, which caught the attention of many companies. In January 2006, only months after its launch, it sold the last.

2. Letter from Santa Claus (Santa Mail)
 A Reeixe Byron loved Christmas, but thought it was very difficult for parents to keep magic and secrecy around the figure of Santa Claus, so he had an idea. He would send letters to children worldwide impersonating Santa Claus. To give more realism got an address at the North Pole and accompanying shipments photos and postcards of "home of Santa Claus." Parents, who are writing letters and get in touch with him, pay him $ 10 for each letter. Since 2001, when it will launch this business idea online, has sent more than 300,000 letters.

3- Eyewear for
The idea may seem surprising after all who needs glasses for your dog? Because it seems that many people since sold Doggles goggles (not graded, stating that) dogs worldwide. The idea of ​​this business to the Internet came to the owner of a dog who loved to draw his head out the window of the car, but the wind annoying him. One day try to put a pair of goggles adjusted and the problem disappeared. In addition to selling these glasses also sell sunglasses for dogs, something that serves for little more than to make it a funny picture to your pet, but you have demand.

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