martes, 26 de mayo de 2015

La ley del olvido de Google

Segun Wikipedia la ley del olvido es:
El derecho al olvido es un derecho a la protección de datos personales. Se puede definir como el derecho que tiene el titular de un dato personal a borrar, bloquear o suprimir información personal que se considera obsoleta por el transcurso del tiempo o que de alguna manera afecta el libre desarrollo de alguno de sus derechos fundamentales.
Como cabe apreciar, este derecho puede en ocasiones colisionar con la libertad de expresión.

Hubo un caso, con un ciudadano español que apareció en las listas de morosos de internet. Este movió tierra y mundo para poder borrar su nombre de este lugar, pues no podia encontrar trabajo porque aparecia en esta lista.
Al final recurrió a un tribunal y pudo borrar su nombre de esta lista

En mi opinión no me parece mal que ciertos datos porque alomejor me puden servir de ayuda en un futuro.
Ahora, si yo borro unos datos que no quiero que esten, deberian desparecer para siempre.

jueves, 21 de mayo de 2015

El DNI digital

Hui en dia ens em d'identificar per qualsevol cosa. El DNI és segons la pagina oficial de la policia un document que acredita la identitat, les dades personals i la nacionalitat espanyola.

Els avantatges són:
- Realitzar compres segure per internet.
- Realitzar transaccions bancàries segures.
- Accedir a les instalacions on treballem.
- Utilitzar l'ordinador personal de forma segura.

Aquesta informació porvé de Viquipèdia.

Els inconvenients són:
- Requerix un lector.
- Necessites una instalació del software especial.
- Es per a mes de divuit anys.
- Se bloqueja als 3 intents, encara que no siga un inconvenient.

Jo pense que el DNI electrònic és una eina molt útil ja que ens permet identificar-nos en internet, encara que precise d'un lector, que val apenes 5'99 en eBay .

Resultat d'imatges de lector dni

Deep Web

La Deep web és un pàgina on hi ha tot allò que es il·lícit en internet.

Segons (Viquipèdia) la Deep Web es:

És tot aquell contingut de la xarxa que no forma part de l'Internet superficial, és a dir, de les pàgines indexades pels motors de cerca de la xarxa. Aquest fet es deu a les limitacions que té la xarxa per accedir a totes les pàgines web. És, doncs, la impossibilitat dels motors de cerca de trobar o indexar gran part de la informació que hi ha a Internet.

Hi ha molts recursos en la Deep Web, però els més demandats són : (segons la Viquipèdia):
Contingut d'Accés limitat: els llocs que limiten l'accés a les seves pàgines d'una manera tècnica.

    Contingut No Vinculat: pàgines que no estan connectades amb altres pàgines, que poden impedir que els programes de rastreig web tinguin accés al contingut.

    Contingut Programat: pàgines que només són accessibles a través d'enllaços produïts per JavaScript, així com el contingut descarregat de forma dinàmica a partir dels servidors web a través de solucions de Flash o Ajax.
Sense contingut HTML: contingut textual codificat en multimèdia (imatge o vídeo) arxius o formats d'arxiu específics no tractats pels motors de cerca.

    Web contextual: pàgines amb continguts diferents per a diferents contextos d'accés (per exemple, els rangs d'adreces IP de clients o seqüència de navegació anterior).

Pense que la Deep Web és una pàgina amb molts recursos, però soles per a gent il·lícita ja que es venen armes, droga, fotos, contrasenyes ...

viernes, 15 de mayo de 2015

Business that have succeeded

Sometimes take Internet business is as easy as having the courage to take an idea forward.

-3 Businesses that have succeeded
1- Page Million Dollars (Million Dollar Homepage)
Page Million Dollars was born in August 2005 in Wiltshire (England), where Alex Tew, a student of 21 who wanted to finance his college career, decided to create a website consisting of one million pixels, and sell each pixel at a price of one dollar. The business idea was simple Internet, advertisers could buy Quis few pixels to advertise and show them ads or logos of their company would hipervinculats in its pages webs. The curiosity of the people who made the Million Dollar Page would an Internet phenomenon and one of the most visited websites in the world, which caught the attention of many companies. In January 2006, only months after its launch, it sold the last.

2. Letter from Santa Claus (Santa Mail)
 A Reeixe Byron loved Christmas, but thought it was very difficult for parents to keep magic and secrecy around the figure of Santa Claus, so he had an idea. He would send letters to children worldwide impersonating Santa Claus. To give more realism got an address at the North Pole and accompanying shipments photos and postcards of "home of Santa Claus." Parents, who are writing letters and get in touch with him, pay him $ 10 for each letter. Since 2001, when it will launch this business idea online, has sent more than 300,000 letters.

3- Eyewear for
The idea may seem surprising after all who needs glasses for your dog? Because it seems that many people since sold Doggles goggles (not graded, stating that) dogs worldwide. The idea of ​​this business to the Internet came to the owner of a dog who loved to draw his head out the window of the car, but the wind annoying him. One day try to put a pair of goggles adjusted and the problem disappeared. In addition to selling these glasses also sell sunglasses for dogs, something that serves for little more than to make it a funny picture to your pet, but you have demand.

jueves, 14 de mayo de 2015

Copyright & Copyleft


Copyright is a set of legal rules that guarantees that other people can't copy your craft.Copyright is based on the idea of a personal right of the author, based on a form of identity between the author and his creation. You can put copyright on all your projects but you have to pay.

Books, pamphlets and other writings.
Dramatic-musical works.
Choreographic works.
Musical compositions with or without words.
Films and other audiovisual works.
Works of drawing, painting, sculpture, engraving and lithography.
Picture stories, cartoons or comics, including drafts or sketches.
Photographic works.
Graphs, maps and drawings relating to geography, topography or science.
Projects, plans, models and designs of architectural and engineering.

I recomend you to use Copyleft because its free.


viernes, 8 de mayo de 2015

Infojobs, Servef, LinkediIn

Infojobs, Servef, LinkediIn

Today we have many tools to find work, we have different ways: we are going to talk about 
the internet way.
Infojobs is a private online stock market, specialized in the Spanish Market. is the stock market that most trafficking records in Spain. 
It is an autonomous bodies of the Generalidad Valenciana with its own legal personality,
 full capacity to act, with administrative and economic autonomy for the accomplishment
 of its fine and the management of its heritage. 
LinkedIn is a social network aimed at professionals and businesses. Founded in the US  
in December 2002 was officially launched in May 2003.El main purpose of this network is to
 establish contact and collaboration between qualified professionals.

 On 9 August 2010 had 75 million registered users had grown to 30 million users in the last 
12 months.  LinkedIn was ahead of its direct competitors by Viadeo (30 million users) and  
XING (9 million users). About half of LinkedIn members are the United States and 11 million 
Europeans are. With 3 million users, India is the fastest growing country since 2009.
  And the Netherlands has the highest per capita rate of adoption outside the US by 30%.  
LinkedIn has reached 4 million users in the UK and 1 million in Spain.  
The system is available in six languages; German, English, Spanish, French, Italian and 


jueves, 7 de mayo de 2015


Crowdfunding is the practice of funding a project or venture by raising monetary contributions from a large number of people, typically via the internet. One early-stage equity expert described it as “the practice of raising funds from two or more people over the internet towards a common Service, Project, Product, Investment, Cause, and Experience, or SPPICE.

The crowdfunding model is fueled by three types of actors: the project initiator who proposes the idea and/or project to be funded; individuals or groups who support the idea; and a moderating organization (the "platform") that brings the parties together to launch the idea.

In 2013, the crowdfunding industry grew to be over $5.1 billion worldwide.

Based on donations: Those who make monetary contributions do not expect benefits of the transaction.
Based Financing Those who make monetary contributions expect a reward for their contribution.
It based actions: It invests in mass in a company and shares or units of the same is received. 
It based loans: mass is financed (loans or credits) to a company in exchange for a type of interés14. 
It based royalties: It invests in a project or company and a symbolic part of the benefits expected.

Image extracted from Google Images

Advantages and disadvantages

Proponents of massive funding methods argue that enables creative ideas that do not fit the patterns required by conventional financial get cash through the support and solidarity of large groups of people. Apart from potential customers obtain financing obtained by word of mouth.

One drawback is the requirement for disclosure of project when it is still at a very early stage and this exposes the promoter for his idea to be copied by other companies.

Three projects have collected more money in Spain

1. Heroquest 25 aniversario (Lánzanos): 680.037 euros. Inspired by the legendary RPG was launched into the adventure of taking a tribute edition by adding new items and pieces from the original game. 

2. El Cosmonauta: 400.000 euros. The film The Cosmonaut was the first Spanish project financed by crowdfunding

3. L'Endemá (Verkami): 348.830 euros. A documentary project on the independent spirit in Catalunya. A success for the Catalan filmmaker